National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems

National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) addresses the ever increasing technological requirements of the society, and takes into account the international trends and road maps of leading countries for the next generation technologies.

A cyber-physical system (CPS) is an orchestration of computers and physical systems. Embedded computers monitor and control physical processes, usually with feedback loops, where physical processes affect computations and vice versa.

As an intellectual challenge, CPS is about the intersection, not the union, of the physical and the cyber. It combines engineering models and methods from mechanical, environmental, civil, electrical, biomedical, chemical, aeronautical and industrial engineering with the models and methods of computer science. This paper argues that these models and methods do not combine easily and that the consequently CPS constitutes a new engineering discipline that demands its own models and methods.

The term “cyber-physical systems” emerged around 2006, when it was coined by Helen Gill at the National Science Foundation in the United States. The related term “cyberspace” is attributed to William Gibson, who used the term in the novel Neuromancer, but the roots of the term CPS are older and deeper. It would be more accurate to view the terms “cyberspace” and “cyber-physical systems” as stemming from the same root, “cybernetics,” which was coined by Norbert Wiener, an American mathematician who had a huge impact on the development of control systems theory. During World War II, Wiener pioneered technology for the automatic aiming and firing of anti-aircraft guns. Although the mechanisms he used did not involve digital computers, the principles involved are similar to those used today in computer-based feedback control systems.

The term CPS is sometimes confused with “cybersecurity,” which concerns the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and has no intrinsic connection with physical processes. The term “cyber security,” therefore, is about the security of cyberspace and is thus only indirectly connected to cybernetics. CPS certainly involves many challenging security and privacy concerns, but these are by no means the only concerns.

CPS and its associated technologies, like Artificial Intelligence (Al), Internet of Things (loT), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DP), Big Data Analytics, Robotics, Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication, Quantum encryption (Quantum Key Distribution), Data Science & Predictive analytics, Cyber Security for physical infrastructure and other infrastructure, have pervaded and is playing a transformative role in almost every field of human endeavour all most in all sectors. It has become imperative for government and industries to be prepared to adopt these emerging and disruptive technologies in order to remain competitive, drive societal progress, generate employment, foster economic growth and to improve the overall quality of life and sustainability of the environment. NM-ICPS is a Pan India Mission and covers entire gamut of India that includes Central Ministries, State Governments, Industry and Academia.

The Mission will feed the Central Ministries / Departments and State Governments and also the Industry to effectively use the CPS technologies in their projects and schemes for the benefit of the society.

– Mr. Navneet Kumar Gupta

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